Southdowns Magicians - Diary of Events

22 January 2025New Tricks and Card At Any Number
A chance to share with other members any new Magic Tricks or items that you got for Christmas, followed by a CARD AT ANY NUMBER session where anyone can show their favourite CAAN trick.
5 February 2025Mark James
Magic Lecture
5 March 2025Close-up competition
Friends and family are welcome to attend at no charge.
2 April 2025AGM
7 May 2025Roy Charles
4 June 2025TBA
2 July 2025Max Fulham
6 August 2025Club Night
3 September 2025Stage Competition
1 October 2025TBA
5 November 2025Club Night
* Asterisk denotes a closed evening for members only.
Full members of other magic clubs are welcome to attend lectures for a charge of £10.00.